
personal photo

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My love of reading began when I was young, I would read anything I could get my hands on. From the summer reading competitions at home to the English class books and essays I would go on to write I have been a lover of the written word. The ability to get lost in a book, paper, or small blip has fascinated me. Now comes the time in my life where I realize I am able to formally submit my thoughts to the world. In this blog I have a collection of my thoughts about places I have been and the experiences I have collected over my nineteen years on Earth. Of the nearly four million people born in the year 1996 my voice will now be heard, I am differentiating myself from the countless other nineteen year old college voices. So here is my voice, ready or not here I come.

One thought on “About

  1. I’m sure you can already guess that one of my favorite bits of this is, “Of the nearly four million people born in the year 1996 my voice will now be heard, I am differentiating myself from the countless other nineteen year old college voices.”

    Way to put yourself into perspective. Yes!


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